Important Message to Kuiper Employees on the Castorone – Court Injunction


We’re here for you

The Offshore Alliance (OA) is a partnership between the AWU (Australian Workers’ Union) and the MUA (Maritime Union of Australia).
The Offshore Alliance covers all workers in the Offshore Oil and Gas industry – that includes workers in:

  • Maintenance
  • Production
  • Inspection
  • Offshore construction
  • Catering
  • Drilling
  • ROV pilots
  • Paramedics
  • Helicopter mechanics
  • All other workers in offshore oil and gas

If you work in the offshore oil and gas industry, then Offshore Alliance is the union for you.

We are here to help.

As a member of the AWU, you have access to a range of valuable services to ensure that you have the best working life.

  • Industrial Help

    If you find yourself in trouble at work, we can provide you with industrial support.

  • Banking Services

    Through our partners, you will receive great deals on banking services.

  • Safer Workplaces

    Union members enjoy safer workplaces.

  • Legal Advice

    You will gain access to a world-class team of industrial officers.

  • 28

    % pay rise at Monadelphous

  • 24000

    $ pay rise + 10.5% at Legeneneering

  • 25616

    $ pay rise at ESS Inpex

  • 15000

    $ + 15% at Sodexo Remote Sites

  • 17

    % pay rise at the Shell Prelude LNG