Who We Are

The Offshore Alliance has brought together workers under the banners of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and the Australian Workers Union (AWU) to build industrial power and organise in the West Coast oil and gas industry. The Offshore Alliance gives oil and gas workers the organisational and industrial strength to bargain for improved wages and employment conditions.

Over the past 6 years, the Offshore Alliance have successfully reversed the race to the bottom and stopped the continual decline of wages and conditions of employment, by successfully negotiating more than 85 Enterprise Agreements.. The Offshore Alliance want to lock in industry standard wages and conditions with every employer working in the West Coast hydrocarbon sector, through the negotiation of Union Enterprise Bargaining Agreements.

The Offshore Alliance is dedicated to fighting for workers across our industry. Offshore Alliance is focused on delivering better wages, and conditions, higher job security and occupational health and safety that meets the unique demands of working in the oil and gas industry.

The reason you should join the Offshore Alliance:

  • Be part of a professional organisation committed to improving the wages and conditions of oil and gas workers;
  • Have a strong voice representing your interests ā€“ both industrially and in the broader community;
  • You will haveĀ  receive good industrial and legal advice on all employment matters;
  • You will be a member of the only Union which has the right to represent every classification of workers in the West Coast oil and gas industry.

Being part of a strong trade union ensures that you can join our campaigns for improved pay and conditions and more secure jobs. So if you work in offshore oil and gas, itā€™s time for you to join.


Your organiser is there to help if you need any assistance in the workplace.

Ross Kumeroa: 0475 333 115
Email: [email protected]

Doug Heath: 0428 222 092
Email: [email protected]

Jason Lipscombe: 0498 495 271
Email:Ā [email protected];

Julian Shintaro: 0497503861
Email:Ā [email protected]

Be a part of our community.

Join The Offshore Alliance

Stronger together.